When Tuesday 10 is completely school related

This T10 may or may not be mostly about school but that's our life right now so, I'm sorry about your luck.
I do want to start by saying we love K's school!! Thank you to all the teachers, staff, and other moms who have welcomed us and made us feel at home!! I can already tell it's a good fit for us.
As far as Kaleb is concerned, I've never seen him happier! Each and every day at pick-up he says, "my day was so good mom!" And when we get to the car he actually wants to tell me about all the things...this is new territory for us because he's NEVER wanted to talk about his day. I'm not sure how well he's learning to write his name just yet, (lol) but the boy is having a fabulous time and for now, that's what matters. His little OCD heart is so content with all the structure and repeats; so far life has never been smoother.
Speaking of his 'academics', he came home the other day with this paper in his backpack.....isn't this quite the assignment?!? Now, putting aside the creepiness and awkwardness of this sheet as a whole, I had to say, I'm pretty proud of him for drawing an arm that has an odd resemblance to a bionic prosthetic arm. Can we just say, proud mommy moment here? I'm still not sure how I feel about the leg....which looks like a hoof???? Oy. I could go on and on with my feelings towards this paper but I'll just leave it right here for ya. So blog worthy. SO.
If you're curious as to how lunches are going, I wouldn't blame you. We know the level of pickiness that is Kaleb. And we also know about the dip situation. So far, his lunch has consisted of a PB&J, grapes and some type of dip, either spinach or ranch with carrots. This lunch seems to be working well. And yes, I make it the night before. Thanks for the advice!
If you follow me on Pinterest and you're wondering about my new found love with kid snacks, that's because I have snack duty at the new school...for a week at a time. So while I still have motivation and while I still think it's cute to do pinterest stuff, I'm going to keep pinning ideas and wait to see if I follow through during my snack week.
Here is a picture of "Mat Man". I don't know much else about him except he's pretty photogenic and he has a song with directions as to how to build him.

School has been in session roughly a week and Kman has already developed his first case of croup. I'm pointing at you school germs...I'm pointing at you.
So far Kaleb's favorite things are show & tell, P.E. and the fact that the lunch trays have squares on them so his food doesn't touch each other (on the 1 time he didn't take his lunch).
And just for good measure, he's another photo of him from a tea party that was given for his teachers birthday. Love this guy.