A Letter to the Single Mom at Christmas
You’re a single mom because you’re divorced; because you’re widowed; because you got pregnant at a young age and never had support;...

White Chocolate Oreo Bark {Recipe Post}
If you need an easy recipe for a sweet holiday treat, this is the one to go to! I made it for my work party and it turned out great. ...

Believing in YOU. and Merry Christmas.
Mommy chat rooms, mommy blogs, mommy websites, they’re all the rage. Right? We’re looking to other moms we’ve never met for advice,...

The Time We Went to Meet Santa and I Ended Up In My Bra
I won't lie here, I had a hidden agenda. I had just had 2 "poor me" days and I didn't feel like sitting at home. I was getting more...
4 Things You Should Never Say to a Mom With a Sick Kid
1. “It seems like your kid is always sick.” Never, ever say this. Regardless if this is true or not, never say this to a mom. If...

Tuesday 10
1. I have a secret. I'm popcorn obsessed. OBSESSED. There's a gourmet popcorn place near my work and I go there too many times. They...