Why I'm On Social Media
I feel like lately, social media is getting a bad rap and rightfully so, in some cases. It’s becoming unsafe in certain aspects and it’s...

To the doctor who validated my mother's intuition ~ thank you.
For months and months I've been taking my 3 year old son to the doctor. Back in November/December, it all started with what was...
Tuesday 10 {Questions}
1. Who whats to help me out by having their wedding in Mexico and inviting me so I'll have an excuse to spend a few days at an all...

Tuesday 10
1. Y'all. Parenthood?? How did I miss this show when it was on? It's by far one of the best shows I've watched in a very long time. I...
Why I'll never be a SAHM
As far back as I can remember, I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I had it in my head that that was what I was meant to be....
Starting Daycare and What to Expect
A year ago this week, my “baby” started daycare. It was truly one of the most terrifying times in my life. I literally stocked my car...

Love You
Something I still struggle with, is not having anyone to tell good news to. In no way does this mean I don't appreciate my friends and...