Heaven Daddy; Real Daddy
Kaleb: "How did your photo shoot go?" Me: "It was good!" Kaleb: "Did the little boy have a mommy and a daddy? Or just a mommy? Or just a...
When Kids Sound Like Tiny A-Holes
If an adult spoke to me the way my 4y/o does, that adult would be considered an asshole and I’d never want to be around them again. Yes,...

Life Lately and a Whole 'Lotta Blessings
::dusts off the keys on my keyboard and tries to remember how to type:: Seriously though, I know it's been a long time. I'm well aware. ...

5th Birthday - Lego Edition
Another birthday party in the books for my dude! As usual, we, esp Kaleb, had a blast!! Just like last year, we had a bouncy house/water...