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Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides Blog

Tuesday 10

1. This is my first Tuesday 10 on my new site! (it takes very little to amuse me) 2. So after watching Grey's the other night, I thought...

So...there's that - Thursday

Kaleb never remembers what he had for lunch at school when I ask. He always just says “nufin’” or tells me what they had for snack,...

Why I'm On Social Media

I feel like lately, social media is getting a bad rap and rightfully so, in some cases. It’s becoming unsafe in certain aspects and it’s...

Tuesday 10 {Questions}

1. Who whats to help me out by having their wedding in Mexico and inviting me so I'll have an excuse to spend a few days at an all...

Why I'll never be a SAHM

As far back as I can remember, I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I had it in my head that that was what I was meant to be....

Starting Daycare and What to Expect

A year ago this week, my “baby” started daycare. It was truly one of the most terrifying times in my life. I literally stocked my car...

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