That time Jesus used an airplane as His form of transportation
I've always believed that children can see beyond what we realize. Especially the younger they are, the more receptive to seeing...
Gah. I hate that this blog is becoming this weepy, sob story. I'm sorry, but then I'm not, because I've always promised to be real on...
Tuesday 10
Happy Tuesday, friends! Sorry I missed ya last Tuesday, we were busy getting tans and eating sand at South Padre. Fun times. Seeing as...
How We're Doing
I get asked on a daily basis, "How are you doing? Are you okay? How is Kaleb?" After about the 58th time, it dawned on me, I don't know...
Tuesday 10 and my time at the social security office
This is a true story. I'm writing my Tuesday 10 from inside the social security office, on a Monday. You guys, this place ain't no joke....
SO WHAT Wednesday
This week I'm saying SO WHAT IF: I ate queso from Taco Cabana at 10 a.m. today and felt no remorse. I let Kaleb run around without a...