SO What! Wednesday
Today I felt like saying SO WHAT! if: I ate a milky way candy bar yesterday because I felt like poo. It made me smile in the end. I...
Tuesday 10: Why
1. Why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways? 2. Why don't people ever sneeze in their sleep? 3. Why can Kaleb tell me (in...
Tuesday 10
1. Just puttin' this out there...I'm sick of all the blog posts about give-aways. I follow your blog because I like your writing style...
Random Friday: you know it's true
A completely random list of shit that you know is true. Warning: this blog post contains run-on sentences and profanity. If you're...
Tuesday 10
1. I'm weirded out by the Dorito taco. I finally jumped on the bandwagon (like a year or two late) and tried the damn thing. It's weird...
The Best Of: Tuesday 10
I've been posting Tuesday10 for well over a year now and I'm just a bit pumped about this one. I thought I'd take you back a little today...
Tuesday 10
1. Facebook and their out of order updates? Makes me wanna not look at Facebook. There was a time where I thought FB was the shit. ...