Tuesday 10
1. Ultimate bitter-sweet moment this weekend: going through my Grandmother’s house and dividing her belongings amongst the grandkids. Sweet because we had fun telling stories and having those, “OMG, you remember THIS?!?” moments. Bitter because of course we know she will be gone one day (she’s in the nursing home now) and we’ll never get to have any of those moments back. I inherited some pretty cool items I’m super pumped about! One being a cedar chest that I’ll be using for Kaleb’s toys and another being some parfait glasses that she used to serve pudding in, they always made me feel fancy. All of the items I decided to have, have some type of special meaning to me. I’m so honored and feel very blessed to have these items in my possession. The other really really sad part about this, my “MaMaw” was our neighbor. Like NEIGHBOR, neighbor…she was directly across the street. When we bought our house, she was just thrilled to pieces that we were going to be her new neighbors! She kept an eye on our house when we weren’t there and even when we were there. She knew when we went to bed, when we woke up, what time we left for work, and when we got our mail. She would even tell us what time of day our dog barked, lol, such typical Grandma stuff!! At the time we always kinda rolled our eyes and laughed under our breath, but now, I would give ANYTHING to have her be our “watch dog” again. I regret not going to her house more. I know she was heart-broken everyday when she would see us get our mail and then not come to see her. Shame on us, shame on me, for not realizing what I had, right in front of me. Now she’s in a home that isn’t hers and slowly getting worse every day. Ok, I have to stop on this topic b/c I’m getting way too emotional.
2. The upside of this weekend is/was my scrapbooking retreat! Woot Woot! Left on Friday evening and came home Sunday around 1-ish. I was all emotional when I was leaving the house, I came really close to not going! I don’t know why, I’ve left Kaleb before, but I guess this was the first time I left by myself. All the other times I’ve had the hubs with me. I put my big girl panties on and left. Had the best time!! The retreat center was LEGIT! It was incredibly nice and very well thought out. The scrap-room was really big equipped with all kinds of tools and what not. The bedrooms were upstairs with beautiful bathrooms and sitting areas. I didn’t get as much done as I wanted but I def got a great start and I’m way more motivated to keep going! Also, you would be proud, I only slept until 8:30 both days AND I didn’t take any naps. BOOM.
3. Happy and sad to say, I’m behind on my Etsy orders. I got 2 right before I left for the weekend and then 1 while I was there. I can tell the husband is feeling a bit neglected due to this, but he was forewarned.
4. My house looked like 2 boys had taken over when I got home. Oh, wait, they did. Bummer. #paybackforleaving
5. A friend of mine had this posted to their FB wall. I thought it was a GREAT photo and some GREAT inspiration for women, no matter what you may go through. (so i couldn't get it to upload, lol, maybe next week...stay posted for the mystery Tuesday 10 photo!)
6. Ok, so, I know I complain a lot about my job and I try really hard to not keep writing about the same topics but this is still something I still want to write about. (and I think this is why I struggle with having an outside of the home job) There are people at my work place and at every job that THRIVE on their work. Like, they make it their life. They make their every conversation about their work. I don’t really think there is anything wrong with being that way, per say, I’m just def not one of those people. Is this b/c this job isn’t my passion? Is it because all the other people have older kids at home and thinking/talking about them isn’t as fun anymore because they aren’t “new” anymore? Like, I just don’t care THAT much about my work. I don’t think about it when I get home. I don’t look for co-workers to eat lunch with so we can discuss what’s happened throughout the day…I’m just not that into it. So, does this mean I’m a half-ass worker and always will be or is it just b/c I’m not doing anything I really like? Is this passion other people have something they are born with or something you acquire? Ok, I’m done posting about this, at least for a while! ;)
7. I know I’m his mom and completely biased but man! Kaleb is such a cute kid!!! I just can’t believe he came out so adorable, it’s almost ridiculous!
8. Next Tuesday, when you read by blog, it will look different! Reconstruction starts tomorrow! I am sooo excited because I’m so done with the layout I currently have. I’m also very excited to say, I met the famous Becca Paro who does all my designs. In my eyes, even though she won’t admit it, she is very well known in the blogging/designing/mommy world. She has a ton of followers and stays really busy with all her orders. After I found her website and decided to use her skill for my blog designs, I started reading her blog. It didn’t take me long (b/c of my stalking skills) to realize she lived in Texas and then soon after, we realized we were only about 30 min from each other. We met up the other day with the kiddos and had a playdate! We had been emailing and texting so much prior, we didn’t even officially introduce ourselves when we got out of the car, lol. It was just like, oh hey friend!! So basically, the point to my #8 is, Becca is very talented at what she does and I feel like I met a celebrity. Also, her daughter is Kaleb’s new girlfriend. He gets around.
9. Is Kaleb too young to take to the circus? I hear it’s coming to town and I would LOVE to go! The hubs and I have never been to one before and we both said we think it would be a great time but not sure how Kaleb would feel. Is it a bit much for a youngster like him? I know he won’t really understand but he LOVES animals so much, I just think he might ooooooohhhh and ahhhhh a lot. Thoughts? Annnnnnd I just looked at tickets, it would be $232 for 4 tickets, I better make sure he’s ready for some circus before I spend that kinda money.
10. So here is what I accomplished this weekend! This isn’t everything, only some…I’m happy with it!