A Look Into My Style {Bedroom Edition}
So, at the beginning of the year, I promised told y'all I was going to start doing more blog posts other than Tuesday 10 and sad crap. So far, I've done a decent job of that with a few of my recipe posts but I'm planning to amp it up a bit.
We're gonna amp it up with posts titled: "A look into my Style" but with different editions. Different editions will include, decoration, crafts, makeup (of course), fashion (or lack there of) and whatever else I can come up with to keep you folks half way interested. Whatcha think? Britt, in particular, does this sound like it'll meet your standards for 2014 blogging?
(Had to shout out to my girl in Portland, she's one of my favorite loyals!)
Here we go! "A Look into My Style {Bedroom Edition}

It's no secret I like bright colors. I've mentioned it several times here and there. After Charles died, I was feeling extra gloomy, obvs, and other than coloring my hair all blonde, I still felt like I needed some bright in my life. What's better than some new paint and new wall décor to lift your spirits?! NOTHING. Nothing is better than bright paint and a few trips to HobLob for some awesome crap for the wall.

I can't take credit for it all, I did have help with picking some things out and with the paint, but, overall, my idea for the color pallet and final choices for wall décor. Needless to say, I freakin' love my new room!

My furniture was originally just raw rustic wood but 2 coats of some coral chalkboard paint and little distressing; voila!

Mirrors came from HobbyLobby and canvas photos are exclusive to Kman and I. ;)

How much do we love my frame wall?! The frames are from HobbyLobby and the canvas photo of Kaleb, I made myself.

I have to give credit to my MIL and FIL for making this awesome mason jar vase for me. It's def one of my favorite things in my room.

and I found this prayer bead (rosary) hanger on etsy. It's hanging right next to my bed for easy access. ;)

The adorableness of my child and I cannot be purchased. Sorry.
Angel wings: most awesomest Christmas gift from the inlaws! <3

Hope you enjoyed taking a peak inside! Fell free to share!