A Look Into My Style {Sephora Edition}
Who's ready for another "Look Into My Style" post?!
I've been asked about my skincare and makeup routine many times, so I spent some time to break it down for ya!
A little background on myself:
I LOVE MAKEUP. It's the way I express my creative side. For me, it's not always about putting on makeup because I need to cover some things up (and trust me, I DO), it's a lot about the art of it. I love playing with colors and shades. I love seeing how different eyeliner makes my eye color and eye shape look different. Basically, I'm not afraid to try stuff. New stuff. Old stuff. Expensive stuff. Cheap stuff. Give me all the stuff and I'll try it! If it looks like crap, just wipe it off. That's the "beauty" of it all, it's not permanent.
All that said, I do believe your true beauty comes from within. (I had to throw that in for good measure!) Kidding.
Sephora is def my one stop shop for all that includes my face. However, I don't exclude myself from other makeup. I'll try and buy anything. It just so happens that I used to work at Sephora with some of the finest and I know that store inside and out. Hopefully, after taking a look at my fav picks you'll get a chance to go by there and try some things for yourself! They give samples!!!!
Let's get this show on the road, starting with skincare. Hope you guys aren't too disappointed, I'm pretty basic. Nothing fancy. My skin is kind to me, most of the time. I'm not oily, not dry and for the most part, break out free. I haven't always been that way though so I'm thankful for it now! Probably the main reason I try to keep it simple. Basic makeup remover, face wash and moisturizer. Below, you'll see #3 is a complexion scrub. I LOVE this product. I use it maybe every 2 weeks. It's a rough scrub, so be prepared, but WOW, talk about brightening your skin! You can put it on with your fingers for a more gentle application or to amp it up, grab a washcloth! Again, Sephora will gladly give you samples of any of these items to try first.
{Direct links to all items below}

Secondly, I put together my basics for ya. If you're looking for a quick application, these are my go-to items! #1 being a concealer, never ever go without it ladies. Let's at least attempt to cover those bags!
I almost never use #2 and #3 at the same time. They offer enough coverage on their own but I do LOVE both.
Ladies, we need to be wearing at least some bronzer year 'round. #4 is a great choice! It's the perfect shade in my opinion.
Eyeshadow primer? Instant beautiful eyeshadow? Both? YES! #5 can and will be both. Use it alone or pair it with your shadows for an all day stay.
#6...strut those lashes girl.

My favorite part! Color! I don't need to go into great detail about these because it's what your comfortable with. I personally LOVE Stila for my color. I've been wearing their Smudge Pot (eyeliner) for about 8 years now. I haven't found anything I like better. It's between liquid and pencil liner. If you aren't comfortable with putting on liquid (which I'm not), but you want that bold look that a pencil can't offer, Smudge Pot is your new best friend. I wear all shades of their cream blushes, don't be sacred to try the bold colors! They are so pretty on. And of course I have many many shades of their shadow. Oh and probably 14 different lip glosses.
It's only a minor addiction. 

So there ya have it...this is what's on my face. Wanna know a secret? Some of these items may or may not be part of the PlaneRidesandGuacSides Big Blogger Birthday Bash in March. Keep an eye out for that.