A Look Into His Style {Kaleb Edition}
The time has come. Time to do the big reveal on Kaleb's New Transportation Room!! He started crawling out of his crib at about 18 months and we turned his crib into the toddler bed. Then a couple months after daddy passed away, he decided his room was "scary" and he needed to sleep with mommy.
At first, I really thought it was just because I got a new room and he wanted that new feeling as well. Regardless of the reasoning, he wasn't a baby anymore and deserved to have a big boy room. I tried my very best to create a room that he would love and a place he would want sleep and play in.
{sorry for the Molly photo bomb}

My plan only semi-worked. He does love his room and loves to show off his train bed but he still sleeps with me. He's only slept in it twice and both times I was with him. Big fat fail? Nah. He'll move into his train bed when he's ready and I'm trying my very best to be patient. Besides, there are nights I'm really thankful he's there because I'd get pretty lonely. At least his big boy room is there and complete for when he's ready.
{A special thanks to Uncle Billy and Aunt Denise for putting the train bed together}

I found a shop on Etsy that made super cute beds for kids and I asked if they would come up with a design for a train. They were incredibly nice and worked with me to get the best choo-choo bed possible for Kaleb. Thank you so much, The PlayBedCompany!!!

His bedding and matching rug came from here.

Transportation wall hangings came from Hobby Lobby

I def can't take credit for the mural on his wall but I just love the way it turned out! A friend of a friend came and painted it as a gift to Kaleb. <3

Especially the airplane next to the train!

There's still some things I want to add like curtains and something up on the shelves but for now, or until he starts sleeping in there, I think it's pretty well finished! If you have any ideas to jazz up the room a little, let me know!