5 on Friday {favorite photo edition}
Happy Friday!!!!! How excited is everyone about sleeping in tomorrow?? Oh that's right, most of us have kids who'll be up at the crack of dawn. Super. But still, it's FRIDAY! My 5 on Friday is just some of my favorite pictures I've taken lately. Sorry but not sorry for the Kaleb over-load lately. He's changing on a weekly basis and documenting is just what moms do, right?
This week was "Learning about Texas" week at Kaleb's school. The teachers said for the kiddoes to wear boots and jeans if they wanted. I had been meaning to go buy Kaleb some boots for a while so this was the perfect oppertunity. He wasn't too fond of them at the store but after the first day of wearing them, every morning he says, "I wear my boots". I know his daddy is smiling.
Taking pictures of my child at 7:30 a.m. wasn't the best plan. He's not a morning person like his momma. Day 3 I finally got the memo and took a picture at the end of the day. He has enjoyed Texas week so much! I've enjoyed seeing all the "crafts" they've made, including the grahm cracker "Texas flag" in which I thought was a bunny rabbit. I've got a lot to learn about these craft shenangins.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3
Have I told y'all how much I love this weather and how enjoyable our evenings are since we can go outside?? I mean, what's better than this?!

How can you not love an almost 3yr old in pull-ups and boots getting the mail?!

This might be so first-world of me but I LOVE that he likes to take silly selfies with me. We are truly a unique pair.

I'm beyond proud of my guy. He is 100% accident free for the last 12 days or so. Potty training was so much easier than I thought. And by that I mean, easy for him to understand the concept and hard for momma to get used to taking him to the bathroom when he asks. Hey-it's a lot of work for the parent too!