Tuesday 10 {Links Edition}

You know what's funny? I had 3 different Tuesday 10's written and I didn't feel like submitting any of them. What I did feel like telling you is how bad the toddler-isms are this week. And how much it makes me cry. And wanna drink heavily. And how much I can't stand the irrational way of life that 3 year olds live. But if I wrote all of that out in detail, you'd think I hated my child. And be worried for my sanity. And maybe even think my child will end up in counseling as an adult, due to poor parenting when he was three. And all of those are logical concerns. So I'll spare you. Instead of writing, I'm going to share with you 10 links that I highly recommend you visit and *hopefully* next week I'll be able to provide you something enlightening with a sense of healthy sarcasm. 1. You all have been praying so hard for a baby you've never met and for that, wow, pat yourself on the back. Thankfully, Ellie's mom is a blogger and she found the time to update us all on her progress. Here ya go. 2. Are y'all tired of seeing millions of photos of me and my child? Me either. One of my college besties is a photographer in the DFW (texas) area and she's clearly amazing. Go book your session today. 3. Speaking of toddler-isms...I wrote a bit on how to *survive* them on MOMquery this week. Sheesh. 4. Want a sneak peek of just one of the many things I have up my sleeve for the stocking stuffer giveaway?? 5. I've always been into online shopping so when I found this page with uber trendy tops, I was in heaven. At least once a week they post new stuff and have an "after 8p.m. sale" so you can shop when the kiddos go to bed. And the best part? It's right there in your FB feed! 6. Every now and then I'll go on a gadget purchasing rage. I came across the most fun techy gadgets for your phone and such...because you know, we don't already have enough. Photojojo. 7. Ipsy.com has made the happiest girl ever. Once a month a get the cutest little cosmetic bag in the mail, complete with makeup samples and sometimes hair products. OMG. Makeup snob heaven. 8. Still one of my favorite mommy blogs of all time: http://www.iloveyoumorethancarrots.com/ 9. When I was at BlogHer, you'll remember I met an awesome girl that was born with a limb difference. She's basically an internet sensation. They are trying to raise awareness about limb differences, in that, THEY AREN'T SCARY!!! Please go check out this awesome giveaway make a donation. Thanks! 10. I've been in a delimma about what to do with my wedding dress. I'm not a super sentimental person when it comes to certain things and I just feel like, "why is my dress still taking up so much closet space?" Some of you might have heard of Angel Gown before...it's a place you can donate your dress to and they will make dresses for stillborn babies so they will be in a beautiful when they leave the hospital, and it's free to the parent. Every time I think about this, I tear up. I'm in the process of getting all the information needed to donate my dress...has anyone ever done this or think they might want to?