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Tuesday 10 and lately

Hello world! Should I say welcome back to myself? How much did y'all miss Tuesday 10? I honestly didn't miss it that much, maybe a little. Wink. I'm sure y'all wanna hear what we've been up to as of late, so I'll bring everyone up to speed, T10 style. 1. I took a blogging break, starting early December, and it was nice. I was able to "get prepared" for the holidays without feeling too rushed. Yeah right, me prepared? 2. Kaleb had his Christmas party at school and all the prepping went well, I think. I made these Oreo Snowmen on a stick things, basically sugar, coated with more sugar, but that's what kids like. The key to making these was to be sure you had the mega-stuff oreos so you had enough space to push your lollipop stick through. Otherwise, you just dip them in melted white chocolate and give them a face. After they've dried, you're ready to package them up for the party. I suggest having another adult helper with you because the chocolate dries fast and then it's harder to create the face. The other fun thing I made were these Snowman cups, filled with "Elf Treats." I found the plain white cups with black lids at Walmart, cut out the snowman parts/faces out of scrapbook paper and then filled them with goodies. My "Elf Snacks" consisted of Cinnamon Life Cereal, Chocolate Chips, marshmallows and colored popcorn. These cups were a BIG hit and Kaleb couldn't wait to pass them out.

3. We attended 4 family Christmas', hosted 1, and bailed on the last one due to croup. Y'all, it was a lot of Christmas to attend. I felt like it was a whirlwind, but we did enjoy the family time. For next year, I'm ::this:: close to hosting 1 large gathering at my house and everyone is invited. 4. This year was extra fun because Kaleb kinda got the whole Santa/Elf/Reindeer thing. I mean, how could he not after watching eleventy hundred hours of Polar Express? So since he was so into it, we put out food for the reindeer and left cookies for Santa. He was very specific in that we needed to leave 5 cookies, plus strawberry milk. I was kinda in love with this and I hope to make it a tradition. Also, I snapped an intense photo of him stacking the cookies. And yes, I'll agree with my friend Heather on this one, Oreo should pay me for this photograph. End of Story.

5. Speaking of that crazy Santa guy, he was good to us! He brought K a toy train, and toy story couch, 2 dump trucks, a big boy bike and countless other things. Santa brought this momma some special fabulous things, delivered on the front porch, in the mail and under the tree. But really, it's not about the gifts.

6. In non-Christmas related news, I've been watching insane amounts of Gilmore Girls on Netflix. If you haven't gotten sick of seeing it on IG yet, my brother graciously set up my addiction in my bedroom over the holiday and have mercy. I LOVE IT. Gilmore Girls makes me so happy.

7. We recently received news that Kaleb is moving up a class because "he's advanced for his age." All of us moms, dads, grandparents and Aunt type people are cheering..."YAAY!" while Kaleb is over here in tears. I've talked about it before, Kaleb isn't good with all. He gets that from his mother. So I'm telling y'all so we can start praying yesterday. He transitions Monday the 12th with non of his pals. His BFF has to stay behind in the other class. He'll be learning sight words and learning to write his name! It's all very exciting and I'm beyond proud of him and like all these other changes in life, he'll/we'll get through this one too. Oh and I'll be reminding y'all to pray a minimum of 3 times. :)

8. Quite possibly some of the greatest news lately, is that I'm now able to park in my garage thanks to the bestie's hubs. It's truly a game changer since I'm such a fan of this stupid weather.

9. I wrote my life's goals and dreams, big or small, down in a random book in my house and put it away. I'll pull it out again next year and see how 2015 turned out for me. It felt really good. You should try of items was promptly checked off the very next day. It was basically awesome.

10. The Bachelor is back on and the amount of happiness it brings me falls right under the whole garage thing. If you haven't seen these girls, you should. We've already seen cattiness, drunken bitches, way too much mascara, not enough mascara, big hair, horrible hair, good entries, embarrassing entries and some making out! Ladies and gents, this is gonna be a season to remember!@

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