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The Preschool Grad

This one is most definitely for the books, you guys! We have survived and completed our first school program...and did it with flying colors!

The day before, the teacher had informed me that at the graduation, Kaleb was going to have a special part. He was selected because he was the best listener and the best behaved from his class. His special part turned out to be the "Bible Holder" during the pledge of allegiance. He not only held that Bible, he held it well. I was a little surprised that he didn't seem nervous in the least, he just got up there in front of tons of people and held that little Bible as high as he could. Needless to say, this was a proud mommy moment! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Ever!

After his big part, they had the graduation where he got a certificate. He was the first one to walk across the stage because of our last name...and that was the second cutest thing I've ever seen.

Once everyone got their little certificate, then his class performed songs. One of them was "I'm in the Lord's Army" which Kaleb really got into, far more than the other kiddos in his class. Again, I was such a proud little man doing what he was supposed to be doing but owning it at the same time!

And of course, the eyebrows never disappoint, haha!

It was seriously the cutest little program ever! - granted this was my first, I might be a bit bias. But still! I'm already ready for next years.

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