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You Aren't the Only One.

To the mom who uses bribery with her child 842 times a day…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who skips bath or teeth brushing a few nights here and there because it’s just easier…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who forgot it was your turn to provide snacks after the soccer game…you aren’t the only one.

To the (Texas) mom who sent your kid to school dressed in shorts before you realized a cold front came and it’s 40* outside…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who loses her temper more times than you’d ever admit…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who blares music in the car just to drown out the sounds of an unjustified meltdown…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who let her kids watch more TV than usual because you just can’t even anymore…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom whose children have heard you drop the Eff bomb…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who is annoyed by nursery rhyme music and turn on a hip hop station instead…trust me, you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who sent your kids of to grandma’s for a few hours, because again, you just can‘t even…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who got to go on a vacation alone with hubs, and can honestly say you didn’t miss your kids so bad you thought you were going to die…its ok, you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who wishes daycare was open just 30 minutes longer so you can browse Target in peace…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who sometimes wishes it was appropriate for her 4 year old to still wear a diaper because finding a toilet every 45 minutes is a real bitch…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who secretly cringes during craft hour because the mess + OCD just don’t mix…you aren’t the only one.

To the mom who can’t wait for summer to get here solely because sprinkler entertainment allows you to sit in a chair and just watch…you aren’t the only one.

The more time I spend with moms and their kids, the more I learn that deep down, we’re all the same. No matter how you classify the way you parent, or even if you have no classification to the way you parent, we’re all doing some, if not all these things. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the phrase, “Oh I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one that does that” or, “I’m so glad to know my kid isn’t the only one who melts down that way…” I know I’ve said a million times by now.

Whether you’re bribing your kid with skittles just so they’ll behave in church or you’re jamming out to Katy Perry because “Row Row Your Boat” is ridiculously lame, believe me when I say this, you are not the first mom to do this and you won’t be the last!

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