I don't make New Year's Resolutions, I make End of Year Conclusions
Happy ~almost~ New Year everyone!! I hope your 2012 was just as wonderful as mine was and here's to hoping 2013 is even better! I received a lot of new readers throughout the year so I wanted to do a 2012 recap for you all. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed this blogging experience and how loved I feel. I may not have 456967745 readers like some, but the 28 faithful readers I do have, I feel your love, yo and I thank you. Let's get down to business and talk twenty-twelve. I thought about how I should break this up and I think the best way to do it is month by month. Hope you enjoy! ~January 2012~ I started off the year with a real doozie. I had to have my gallbladder removed. Somewhere during the time of my pregnancy, my gallbladder decided it was going to give up all function, have a mind of it's own and create gallstones. Awesome. Two short weeks after it was removed, I woke up with more ridiculous pain (the exact pain I had been feeling when my gallbladder was still there) and thought to myself, OhEmmGee, they took out the wrong organ. In my defense, I was in the worst pain of my life and it was the middle of the night, I was delusional. Okay, so maybe it wasn't the wooorst pain of my life but it ran a close race. So it turns out that one of those little precious stones worked it's way loose during the removal of the GB and it was floating around inside of me. It required yet another trip to the ER and another surgery. The doctor said it only happened to about 5% of the folks who have their GB removed. I'm not at all surprised I'm in that category. ~February 2012~ My brother got married. In Mexico. It.was.awesome. I never thought I'd get to go to a destination wedding but I did! It was also the first time we left Kaleb for an extended amount of time. I did surprisingly well. Please excuse our shitty-front-facing-phone-camera-shot.
Also in Feb, Kaleb ate dog food for the first but not the last time. ~March 2012~ Kaleb took his first of many tractor rides with Grandpa. This particular day opened up a whole new world for K. His entire world now revolves around tractors.
After back to back ear infections, Kaleb had tubes placed in his ears. He took it like the champ he is. It was probably harder on me than on him.
~April 2012~ Kaleb learned to walk on Easter Sunday and hasn't slowed down since. I posted my very first Tuesday10. Tuesday 10's have opened a whole new blogging world for me. With the exception of just a few Tuesdays, I have posted a Tuesday 10 every week since then. Charles had gotten laid off in the fall of 2011 but then landed his new job in April!! We were so excited and he still loves it so far! While he was being a stay at home daddy, I would receive photos like this:
~May 2012~ I made the decision to open my Paisleys and Poppies Etsy store. I had no idea it would take off the way it did. I was slammed with orders almost right away and felt very very blessed with all the support I was receiving. I have since put my little shop on vacation for the holidays....I'll be glad to admit, it was getting tough to keep up with orders and still keep my full time job but none the less, I love it! Kaleb turned 1 and I talked about it here, here here and here. Clearly, it was such a big event that I couldn't wrap it up in 1 post. You should totally take the time and read all the posts. :)
~June 2012~ Kaleb ate his first corn on the cob. Now, I know you're thinking, "why is eating corn on the cob a big deal?" Well, lemme just tell you this: this corn eating lasted for days. He wanted to carry around cobs of corn everywhere he went. We tried to take them away from him and he cried huge tears. Ears of corn were riding around in his tractors, they were put on his train, they were even wrapped in the blankie. Still to this day, when he sees this photo he says, "hum?" (which is his word for eating)
~July 2012~ I had one of my first mommy melt downs and needed to vent about it. This continues to be an issue in our house but I'm handling things better. ;) ~August 2012~ Kaleb became famous. I randomly took this picture of K pushing his car and it kinda turned into a big deal! When I took it, I posted it on FB and said, "it's a B to run outta gas"...you know me and my comments. Well, not too long after that, a friend of mine from college emailed and asked could they use the photo for an add at their automotive shop. I of course said yes!! I love the way it turned out and I love knowing my little man's photo is somewhere in Graham, Texas!
~September 2012~ A rare but very exciting encounter with some of my besties from college!! They all just happened to come to the BBQ cook off I was at with Charles so we of course had to take a photo. I love and miss these ladies! Also, yay for almost all of us having babies!! (now it's your turn, Robyn)
Probably one of the biggest parts of my year was blogging about the accident I was in when I was a child. It consists of six, fairly lengthy posts and you can read them all here.
Also in September, the BFF got engaged and asked lil 'ole me to be Matron of Honor!!! It was a very moving moment for me and I can't.wait. for October 2013. EEEEEEEE!
~October 2012~ Speaking of wedding-ness, I was a bridesmaid in my baby cousin's wedding!! She made a B-E-A-UTIFUL bride and I was more than happy to stand by her on this day!
Halloween happened. It was a hoooootin' good time with Kaleb's owl costume.
~November 2012~ Charles took Kaleb to his step-dads deer lease for the first time. This was a big step for me because I'm not really into the camo/hunting thing. They had a wonderful time and I'm glad I let him go!
I got to meet this awesome lady!! She is the absolute reason I blog. She's like my blog idle. I felt like I was meeting a celebrity.
Kaleb had his first hair cut. Big moment for Kaleb, mommy and grandpa!
~December 2012~ We took family photos and of course celebrated Christmas. Please excuse the fact I haven't blogged about Christmas 2012 yet. Be on the lookout for a big Christmas photo dump.
Thank you again for a fabulous 2012. As I said in the title, I don't make New Year Resolutions, I make End of Year Conclusions. 2012 was an eventful year and it went by way too fast. Way.Too.Fast. Like every year, there were ups and downs but overall it was a great year! Cheers to another great year!
....and that my friends is a twenty-twelve wrap. Peace.