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Thankful Thanksgiving

I don't think I've ever written a holiday post with pictures on the actual holiday. Actually, lately, I'm lucky if I ever even write a holiday post at all. Recall seeing a Halloween post? Me either.

Today that changes.

I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and I just really wanted to share. Honestly, there isn't anything I love more than getting to be with my family. I have a ton of Aunts, Uncles and cousins on my moms side and truly, we all love spending time together. There's nothing but love when we're all under the same roof. We gathered at my grandparents old house, just like old times. Even though both grandparents have passed, we are blessed to still have the house in the family.

Sometimes nothing beats some good ole phone selfies, they really are the most fun anyways! It was the best day with my peeps.

It's tradition for us to have dirt pudding for dessert so of course we had to selfie with that.

I have trained my little Libby Lou very well....when she sees me she immediately wants me to get my phone out so we can take selfies together. The second she sees herself in the phone, she opens her mouth. It's just her thing. Love that little girl.

Overall, it was just a feel good day. You know, when your heart feels full? I always take that as a sign I was with the right people. That all was right in my world. Speaking of my world, here he is. I don't say enough that I'm thankful for this guy. He keeps me going. He gives me reason to live, to get out of bed, to work hard for a better life and just overall to be a better person. He also, as all of you know, keeps me laughing. This kid is something else and I never want to have live this life without him.

After our bellies were full, we came home for a nap. Since then, we've been lounging in our pjs and being very lazy - {minus my photo editing that I'm swamped with}

God has truly blessed us this Thanksgiving Day and every day. We hope your day was just as wonderful!

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