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The Thursday Thick and Thin

It's a catchy 'lil title isn't it? I thought so!

I'm wondering if it'll become a thing. Like a weekly thing or a monthly thing. Thursday's - the day I tell you about the thick and the thins of my life; some of it important, some of it useless. We'll just have to see how this first one goes!


I've mentioned on one of the many social medias that Kaleb has 2 loose teeth. Well, he still has those 2 teeth, plus 2 more coming in behind them. I've been told this is kinda normal; to be able to see the 2 new adults ones before the baby ones ever leave the nest. Y'all? I can't get on board with this tooth thing. Like, it's gross AND it freaks me out. The vision of my sweet baby at age 9 with a mouth full of awkwardly big adult teeth, it's too much. I feel like we'll be #TeamBraces for the rest of our life. I used to want to marry someone tall, kind and handsome. Now, I'd just love to either marry a dentist or someone with great insurance. That adult life, tho.


I'm taking/eating SugarBearHair vitamins and they are awesome!! They taste great and I can already see a difference in my hair and nails. I will add though, I had a friend that took them for 3 weeks and they gave her acne. So, beware of that. I've been on them 2 weeks and my skin is still good to go.


Kaleb met the Chick Fil A cow and his day was made. I'm not sure how he never noticed the cows on all the CFA advertisements and food bags but I guess he never had because he was like, "uhhh why is there a giant cow here?? That's so awesome.!"

I'm so happy to be making dreams come true for my kid.


Life is funny in so many ways. It's not always 'haha' funny, it's more funny like a prankster. Except not everyone likes a prankster.

{This is the part where I tell you my deepest darkest confession for the week. Okay, maybe not my deepest or darkest, but a confession, nonetheless.}

I think I miss people. And putting on real clothes.

When I was working at the hospital, I would make myself get up at some point during the day and take a walk through the whole facility. Most of the time, I'd just walk and say hello/smile to people, but every now and then, I'd stop to visit with a patient or a co-worker. I didn't realize then, how much that impacted my day.

Now that I'm working from home, I don't have that socialization. I don't get to smile at anyone or say hey to a friend.

I also never realized how much I'd miss putting on work clothes and doing my makeup. Believe me, there was plenty days where I would have given a million dollars to go to work in my pajama pants, so much so, I'm shaking my head at myself right now for even typing this. Because I could literally stay in pajama pants 90% of the time if I really wanted to. I mean, even when I go to a shoot, I still never really get dressed up.

All that said, I think I hit a level of depression in the last 30 days and it's certainly not something I expected. While I don't miss the old job at all, I mean, not even a little, I do realize that I need to get out among the people again. I need to fix my hair and go smile at some strangers. I need to eat in a public place and people watch. So I decided to do just that, and since I also think structure and routine are an important piece to this puzzle, I designated Thursday's. Every Thursday, I will put on cute clothing, something that makes me feel well-dressed, I'll wash AND flat iron my hair, I'll pick out some fun earrings, apply some racy lipstick and flee the house. Today was my 2nd Thursday to test my theory and so far, I feel great!! If you'll notice, I've also blogged 2 Thursday's in a row.....coincidence or not, I'll let you decide.

So, yeah, life is funny. I loathed going to that job everyday. I loathed it with every fiber of my being, but as it turns out, I needed bits and pieces of that daily routine and didn't even know it. I'm thankful to have recognized it though, and already have a plan in place. So, when you see me shopping the aisles of Hobby Lobby, dressed like I belong at a charity dinner or gala, check your calendar, it's probably a Thursday!


I'm contemplating changing my hair color, back to dark. I have a feeling it's a reflection of the discussion above, feeling like I need a physical change to spice things up a bit, but right now it's just a Pinterest board of ideas. I need to know I really want dark hair for the right reasons. LOL, these first world problems I take so seriously....


Scandal and Grey's came back on tonight and holy moly. I'm pretty excited about me and Shonda's relationship for 2017, it's looking promising.

So what did we think about the Thursday's Thick and Thin? It's basically exactly like Tuesday 10 without the commitment part of having to have 10 things. I'm trying to cure depression over here, I can't be responsible for my own commitment issues at the same time. ;)


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