Book(s) Review

Every time I post something on instagram about reading on my kindle, I always get several messages/questions about what I'm reading or what I've read in the past. I've never done a book review before but I thought, "what the hey?" So here I am, with my first official book(s) review!
A little background on my reading type, first. I haven't always been a reader because I'm not a fast reader (like some of you) so it use to take a while to get through a book, then I'd loose interest. The older I get though, the more I enjoy it. That being said, I haven't read a ton of maybe I'm not the best judge on a well written book, but I'll still be glad to share with you guys what I've read and loved.
Another disclaimer is, I like books that will make you cry. If it reads like any good chick flick, I'll be into it. It doesn't have to be a romance novel per say, but I do love me a good love story. I more than likely won't read any mysteries or anything super suspenseful. I also won't read anything revolving around history. Like I said, I haven't always been a big reader so I still have a ways to work myself up to. :-D
I've linked all the books back to Amazon for your convenient shopping purposes!
Sally Hepworth is a fairly new find for me and I couldn't be happier about it! I've read 3 of her books in the last week and they were all amazing!!! 'The Things We Keep' really hit home for me in some parts. It was one of those books that keeps you thinking about the characters throughout the day, even when you aren't reading it. I know it'll be a book I go back to and read through again so I can highlight my favorite quotes and meaningful parts. My heart was in this book.

This book was one you can't put down because it really had some cliffhangers throughout. Well, 'cliffhangers' in the 'chick flick' world. Ha! I read this one in 2 days, it was so good. A grandmother, a mother and a daughter are the main characters and they are all midwives. Each of them have secrets they've been keeping and eventually everything unfolds. It's highly recommended!

Sigh. This book yall, it had my heart. I cried so much with this one. It was so so real. If you don't love this one then you and I don't have any hope in loving the same books at all. This one of those that in the seconds when you finish it, you hold it close to your heart and take a moment to get your shit back together. So. Good.

This was my first book from this author and I really did love it. This hit home for me because the main character is a young widow who lost her husband unexpectedly. The beginning is just her trying to learn life again after losing her best friend and lover; I love how real the writer made those emotions. I'll definitely be looking into additional books written by this author.
This is a short, easy read if you're looking for a quicky. ;)

I've been reading Elin Hilderbrand books for a long time now and they are usually really good! They all take place on Nantucket Island. I always like to read these books during the summer because they're usually about people visiting their summer homes, or falling in love in the heat of the day, on the beach. Reading them in the summer just gives me the feel goods. I have 3 listed below but I've read probably 8 or so, thus far. I listed 'winter street' only because it was my least favorite. While it kept me somewhat interested, I finished it feeling like, "well that was sorta anti-climatic." The other 2 I listed though are really great! They leave you with feel goods. Very good chick flick reads, lol.

You guys, I read this book last summer and to this day, it still crosses my mind. I don't know why it stuck with me so much, but it did. This is also about a woman her lost her husband but the twist it takes at the end will have you NOT wanting to put this book down. I highly recommend it!

JoJo Moyes is the same author that wrote 'Me before You' in which they made into the movie last year-ish? I think most everyone is familiar with that book. Her awesome reads don't stop there. 'The last letter from your Lover' will keep you on the edge of your set. I really really loved this one, it jumps around a lot though so you have to make sure you're paying attention to the chapter titles...other than that, this once comes highly recommended as well!

That's all I have for you now...I've been flying through books lately while I work out on the elliptical so I'm sure I'll have more for you soon! If you and I like the same type of books, I'd love to know what you're reading or what you've loved in the past. I have a lot of beach time coming this summer so I'm sure I'll be looking for stuff to read. Leave a comment on this link on FB and feel free to share with friends. Happy reading!