Our Elf on the Shelf Shenanigans - year 1
It's almost that time of year again! I had intended to share this post last year during the EOTS process but moving that damn thing was such a time suck!!! So, here I am, sharing my ideas (from last year) in mid-November so you and I both might just get our shit together and start planning out our families beloved Elf.
Last year was actually our first year. And no way did we start on Dec 1, I don't have that kind of patience in my life to put up with these charades all 24 days. I don't remember exactly when I started but it sure wasn't December first, yall.
The night before the "North Pole Breakfast" I had a package at the door waiting for Kaleb. It was this letter with a set of Elf pajamas, along with the EOTS movie explaining this unthinkable trend for tiny humans.

He put the PJs on and we watched the movie. <insert magical feels here>
Bright and early the next morning, all the snowflakes aligned and poof, there was a North Pole Breakfast on the coffee table.

It was here where Kaleb decided to name our family EOTS - Magic. How original.
Also, if you'll notice all the little snowflakes on the table, you need to know they are real. For real. I found them in the freezer section at Target. Ok, now we all know I'm lying. But they are from Target.
It was at this moment, I decided no matter where Magic the Elf ended up, he'd always leave a few snowflakes around. It was a cleaver thought until it became a pain. But if you want to add that extra special feel to your EOTS set up, grab some confetti snowflakes, Kaleb thought it was pretty neat he always left behind a snowflake somewhere.
So, without further-ado, I'd like to intro you to Magic and some of his shenanigans from 2016.
1. Zip Lining

2. Movie Night

3. Napping in a hammock (scarf)

4. Tangled in the blinds

5. Getting Measured

6. Good Morning Message

7. Rock/Window Climbing

8. Hot Chocolate with a new mug

9. New Ornament in the tree

10. Pouring cereal

11. Snowball fight with Woody and Buzz

12. Elf Selfie